Interested in becoming a Future 5 coach, tutor or volunteer?
Please contact Jenny Fuchs for information or apply here.
We couldn’t do the work we do without our army of 100+ volunteers. As our student membership grows, we need even more volunteers and invite you to join us as we change the lives of high school students in Stamford. Connect with Future 5 as a volunteer and you may find it changes your life as well!
Coaching and Volunteer Opportunities
Here to There Coach
Here to There is our entry and required membership workshop. Focused on self-discovery, students first learn to connect with themselves through small group discussions facilitated by Future 5 staff and Here to There coaches. The goal of the workshop is for students to examine their strengths and identify their short- and long-term goals as well as identify the obstacles (“gremlins”) that may trip them up on their path to achieving their goals.
As a Here to There coach, you will help facilitate discussion based on weekly themes including Perseverance, Commitment, Asking for Help, and Success. At the conclusion of the Here to There workshop, each student becomes a full member of Future 5 and writes a Game Plan for Life with the help of staff and coaches. This Game Plan documents the student’s gremlins, strategies, and short- and long term goals on his/her path from Here to There.
If you enjoy guiding and connecting with youth, please consider becoming a Here to There coach!
Time Commitment: 1 hour per week for 6 weeks. Here to There runs 2-3 times per academic year, October through May.
Job Prep Coach
Job Prep is a workshop designed to help students master the soft skills needed to excel in the work place. Through discussions and real-time application of strategies learned, students gain the confidence and skill set necessary to network, secure a job and sustain employment. The role of a Job Prep Coach is to facilitate small group discussions based on the weekly skill set topic. Topics covered include work ethics, public speaking, interpersonal skills, resume writing, social media presence, team work, interviews and follow-up. Students emerge from the workshop with increased self-confidence, a resume and elevator pitch, and the tools necessary to find a summer or part time job and/or internship.
Time Commitment: 1.5 hours per week for 8 weeks. January through March (and other opportunities year round)
College Coach
College Prep ensures that high school students receive the preparation needed to transition successfully from high school to college. This workshop offers a full array of college help including guidance on navigating the college and financial aid applications, college visits, detailed advice on college selection, etc. Coaches are matched one-on-one with a student and partner with their student for the entire academic year. College Prep coaches are encouraged to attend both the workshops and meet with their student separately each week.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week: 1 hour workshop; 1 hour independent meeting. September through June
Academic Coach (Tutor)
Future 5 offers academic tutoring in every subject, high school grades 9 – 12 and at the college level. In addition to helping students understand class material, tutors work with students to improve study skills by focusing on strategies that connect prior knowledge.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week. September through June
Alum 5
The objective of creating the Alum 5 is to ensure members land with a plan post-college, military or trade school and have the resources and connections to be successful in both business and life. Coaches assist alum with providing advice in professional career and employment opportunities. They will participate in financial literacy workshops and help the alum develop these important skills.
Community Service Coach
Community Service Coaches work side-by-side with students as they provide service to community organizations such as Pacific House, Fairgate Farm, Person-to-Person, Mill River Park and more. Our members connect to the community, develop a sense of civic responsibility, and learn the joys of giving to others.