College Success
Connects students to their post-secondary academic and career success
As Future 5 students navigate the path from high school to college, the College Success Program connects them to a multi-layered network of academic, financial, social/emotional and career support, helping ensure college progression and a pathway to reach their career goals.
- Academic Support & Tutoring
- Transfer from 2-Year to 4-Year Colleges
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Support
- Campus Specific Peer Leaders
- Introduction to Career Connections
Our team connects with local students at the Future 5 office and also supports our student members who are away at other colleges and universities.
Did You Know?
- Across the United States, low-income, first-generation students are nearly four times more likely to leave higher education after the first year than their peers.
- In Connecticut, the drop-out rate at public two year-colleges is a staggering 50%, and only 16% of students complete community college within three years.
Future 5 College Students Stay on Track
Connecting Students to their Academic Success
Future 5 college students persist, thrive and graduate, supported by our dedicated leadership and volunteers.
Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Future 5 college students whose persistence rate from Year 1 to Year 2 was 97%!
Workforce Development
Our Career Advisors support students in the areas of:
- Mock Interview Techniques
- Resume Support
- Partnership with Local Businesses
- Internship and Job Coaching